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There is something I have to get off my chest Google. 

I am a small business owner and entrepreneur that has spent a good part of my life writing a health club management application called FirmPOS. Our website has been on the Internet since 1998.

3 Min Read

As an introvert, this is something I have struggled with my entire life. Sitting on the sidelines evaluating the odds of failure, rejection or even someone hurting you. All the while, everyone else has "jumped in".

After a harsh break up with someone I loved dearly, I made a good many adjustments in my life. There were several things I had to do for me and lots of questions that needed answers.

4 Min Read

If I were asked to leave a few final words that might be found by another seeker, I would say the number one thing I have learned in this life is to be generous.

Do it big. Do it to the best of your ability. Do it quietly.

Be generous.

Be generous with your time, talents, abilities, resources, energy, forgiveness, mercy, patience and money. Don't wait to be asked for help. Focus on becoming sensitive to the needs around you and then give what you are able. Do it quietly and as anonymously as humanly possible.