So, about 30 days ago I asked the question... what would happen if I rearranged what I believed about myself and then meditated on it for 30 days?
It's been interesting.
Around day five, I had a significant item from my Will column start to manifest. Life became super busy accommodating the new changes and truth be told, I was a little floored by the events.
It's been said, be careful what you wish for... you might just get it. lol
I learned quickly that it's important to be ready to receive the changes that come with the realignment of your beliefs.
Sometimes, real change requires a catalyst and for me, that wick was lit about the time I created the belief chart.
30 days later, I'm still processing much of what I've learned about myself.
Here's a few of the highlights:
Have a daily purpose. - I am a purpose driven person and not having a daily purpose can derail me emotionally.
Know when you are low - This was a big one for me. Sleep & energy deprivation can quietly drain you physically, mentally and consciously. Being an introvert and a purpose driven person, I need to become more sensitive to the times I am low and where possible, reschedule critical interactions until I can renew those energies.
Reduce the amount of hope required - Hope is essential to life and for the most part, must come by way of faith in something you believe to be greater than yourself. This keeps us dependent on people, things or organizations that may not have our best interest at heart, leaving us vulnerable. Interestingly enough, the amount of hope needed seems to be in direct balance with our fear center. (which we can control)
Once we realize that fear is a self-made reaction to a stimulant that may or may not be reality, we can make adjustments to directly deal with the trigger and control our reliance on the amount of hope needed to survive it.
Be ready for change - Rearranging my belief chart and meditating on the changes allowed me to learn some new things about myself. It created hope and quieted my fear center. Every religion on the planet understands that when you manage fear and hope, you can instigate change in human behavior.
The possibility of miracles happening because we believe might be a stretch... but isn't it possible that re-aligning our beliefs to support an intended outcome could allow changes that might not have been possible with an opposing belief system?
Bottom line: get your life ready to support the changes you seek. You might have been standing in your own way.